Anatomic subsites of stomach
Esophagogastric junction (Gastroesophageal junction)
Corpus (Body)
Angular notch
Pyloric sphincter
Anterior wall
Posterior wall
Lesser curvature
Greater curvature
Layers of stomach (T stage)
Mucosa (Tis)
Lamina propria (T1a)
Muscularis mucosae (T1a)
Submucosa (T1b)
Musclaris propria (T2)
Subserosa (subserosal connective tissue) (T3)
Serosa (visceral peritoneum) (T4a)
Tumor invades adjacent structures / organs (T4b)
Early Gastric Cancer (EGC)
Type 0-I : Protruding type
Type 0-IIa : Superficial elevated type
Type 0-IIb : Flat type
Type 0-IIc : Superficial depressed type
Type 0-III : Excavated type
Advanced Gastric Cancer (AGC)
Type 1 : Protruding type
Type 2 : Ulcerative and localized type
Type 3 : Ulcerative and infiltrative type
Type 4 : Diffusely infiltrative type
위식도접합부의 종양
종양이 esophagogastric junction을 침범하고, 종양 중심(tumor epicenter)이 esophagogastric junction에서 2cm 이내에 위치한 경우 식도암(Esophageal cancer)으로 분류한다.
Lymph node dissection
안정적인 암병기 설정을 위해 최소 15~16개 이상 LN가 필요하다.
'patholg' 카테고리의 다른 글
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